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About Us

The Lowellville Local School District will educate, empower and challenge our students to reach their individual potentials by providing an environment where tradition, community and excellence create productive members of a global society.

News & Announcements

Hazel Health

Click the link below to access the Hazel Health landing page and complete a consent form to get started.


Kindergarten Registration

2025-2026 School Year

Resident Students

Kindergarten registration for Lowellville School District resident students will be Monday, February 10th to Wednesday February 12th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Thursday, February 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m in our Main Office. 

Children who will be 5 years of age by September 30th are eligible to register. Please download and complete the Enrollment and Proof of Residency forms located below. Once complete, you will need to bring them in along with your child's birth certificate, immunization record, proof of residency (notarized), and proof of legal custody, if necessary. Immunizations necessary to start kindergarten are 5-DPT, 4-Polio, 2-MMR, 3-Hepatitis B and 2-Chicken Pox.

Also, please bring with you a copy of your drivers license or identification card. Please note, the proof of residency form MUST BE notarized upon registration.

Forms that need to be complete

Enrollment Form

Proof of Residency



Rocket To The Top Podcast

Untitleddocument3 (PDF)


Episode #1

Episode #2






As we prepare for the new school year, we’re excited to introduce ParentSquare, our new platform for all communications. To ensure you receive important updates, please complete the Google Form (linked below) with accurate contact details.




Why Are School Buses Yellow? | Wonderopolis

Please complete the bus form below if at any time during the 2024-2025 school year your child will need school transportation.  Bus and tentative pick up/drop off times will be sent out in August.  Contact Mr. Hammond if you have any questions or concerns at 330-536-8426 x163 or

Transportation Reminders:

-The district will have one common start time (7:40 am- new start time) and one common dismissal time (2:45 pm) for grades K-12.

-Routes will be combined to include students in grades K-12 on a bus.

-All open enrolled students will be required to be dropped off or picked up at the following open enrollment spot regardless of proximity: 15 Bedford Road, Lowellville - Victory Christian Administration Offices.  

-All district Valley STEM and MCCTC students will be required to be dropped off and picked up in the school band parking lot.

-As always, please update your information with the school.  This includes parent information, residential address, emergency medical information, and emergency contacts.

2024-2025 School Bus Transportation Sign Up Link

Upcoming Events