Mrs. Tracy Vivo, Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator
A Welcome from the Green Room
My name is Tracy Vivo and I'm happy to be serving as the Behavioral Health and Wellness Coordinator here at Lowellville Local Schools. My focus is on developing a Student Assistance Program for Lowellville Local Schools in order to further support students and also supporting staff wellness initiatives.
Behavioral Health and Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Wellness is an active process through which Lowellville Local School District is deeply committed to. It is a process through which people become aware of, make choices towards, a more successful existence. There is a direct correlation between wellness and academic achievement but more importantly placing a focus on behavioral health and wellness takes into account the whole child, the whole adult.
Over the summer in alignment with Summer REC and with the generous support of grant funding, we offered Summer A.R.T.S. (Art. Resilience. Transformation & Strength) Aware programming available to all students which included art therapy sessions provided by Cornerstone of Hope, the Mindfulness Farm as well as continued Sources of Strength activities. I was thrilled to see so many of our students participate.
This school year, due to the generous support of additional grant funding, we will be extending our Sources of Strength work by implementing the Sources of Strength curriculum in grades K-6. This positive upstream prevention programming focuses on leaning into and recognizing the strengths in our life, learning about emotional regulation and understanding how the different parts of our brain are connected, how we process information and how our brain works to keep us healthy. This K-6 implementation will align with our newly implemented Sources of Strength peer leader work in grades 7-12. Additional prevention and educational programming will continue to be implemented throughout the coming school years.
If you have a need, please, don't hesitate to fill out our Student Assistance program referral form located under the tab Student Assistance Program (SAP) Referral Form in this section of Behavioral Health and Wellness on the website.
Please, feel free to contact me anytime at or at (330) 536-8426 (Ext. 612).
Rise up Rockets!
Tracy Vivo, M.Ed., OCPSA