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Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Lowellville Local School District's Student assistance program is a developing program designed to provide a variety of services, including building awareness, prevention, early identification, evidence-based intervention, referral processes and guided support services for K-12 students. A student assistance program or SAP is designed to be a comprehensive school-based framework in order to help support all students and the whole child. Programming will include universal supports provided to all students, selective supports for additional development and indicated supports or individualized services. Due to the effects of the pandemic, there is growing evidence provided by research, the CDC and a United States Surgeon General warning of the need for student assistance programs. Our developing program is aligned and supported by Miami University's Center for School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention and Early Intervention, the Ohio School Wellness Initiative, the Ohio Department of Mental Health, the Ohio Department of Education, SAMSHA and Project AWARE.