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Lowellville Local School District - One Plan


Ms. Andrea Apisa

email account:



Lowellville Local School District
Lowellville, Ohio

The Board supports the right of the people to know about the programs and services of their schools and makes efforts to disseminate appropriate information. Each principal is authorized and expected to keep the school's community informed about the school's programs and activities. The release of information of District-wide interest is to be coordinated by the Superintendent.

Business of the Board is discussed and decisions are made at public meetings of the Board, except such matters as are properly discussed in private executive sessions.

The official minutes of the Board, its written policies, its financial records, and all other public records are open for inspection in the Treasurer's office during the hours when the administration offices are open.

Records pertaining to individual students and other confidential materials are not released for inspection by the public or any unauthorized persons, either by the Treasurer, Superintendent, or other persons responsible for the custody of confidential files. Only that information deemed "directory information" may be released from an individual student's file, and only after complying with the regulations prepared by the administration for the release of such information. Student records that consist of "personally identifiable information" generally are exempt from disclosure. Student directory information, however, is released unless the parents have affirmatively withdrawn their consent to release in writing.

Any individual who wants to obtain a copy of a public record may request to have the record duplicated on paper, on the same medium on which the record is kept, or on any medium the Superintendent/designee determines that the record can reasonably be duplicated as an integral part of normal operations.

The District may ask that the request be put in writing. However, the District must notify the requestor that it is not mandatory to do so.

The District provides an opportunity for a records requestor making an ambiguous or overly broad request to revise the request by informing the requestor of the manner in which records are maintained.

If a public records request is denied, the District provides an explanation with legal authority as to the reason for the denial of the request.

If the person seeking the copy makes a choice under this provision, the District must provide the record in accordance with that choice if available to the District. A fee may be charged for copies. The District may require the fee charged for copies be paid in advance.

The person making a mail request pays the cost of postage and other supplies in advance. The number of mail requests sent to any one person is limited to 10 a month unless the person certifies in writing that the records, or the information in them, will not be used for commercial purposes.

The Board's public records policy is posted in a conspicuous location in the central office and in all other District buildings and employee handbooks provided by the District.

LEGAL REFS: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act; 20 USC, Section 1232g
ORC 121.22
OAC 3301-35-03; 3301-35-04

CROSS REFS: BCD, Executive Sessions
BDDG, Minutes
GBL, Personnel Records
GBS, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
IGBA, Programs for Students with Disabilities
JO, Student Records
KA, School-Community Relations Goals
KAA, School-Community Relations Priority Objectives
KKA, Recruiters in the Schools

Board Members

