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College Credit Plus

Lowellville High School

College Credit Plus Information & Planning

Ohio’s College Credit Plus , or CCP, can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. Taking a college course from a public college or university College Credit Plus is free. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees if you attend public school in the state of Ohio.  This program is available for grades 7-12.


If your student is interested in participating in this program during the 2025-2026 school year, please plan to attend an informational meeting for parents and students on February 10, 2025 at 6 p.m in the cafeteria. If you cannot attend, please contact Mrs. Killingsworth in the Guidance Office at (330) 536-8426 x 179.


What is College Credit Plus?

College Credit Plus is Ohio’s dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families (Ohio Department of Higher Education). Currently, Lowellville School District partners with Youngstown State University to provide CCP courses.

Who is eligible?

College-readiness is determined by the application requirements of the participating Institution of Higher Education (IHE), and typically requires applicants to submit a qualifying ACT or SAT placement score with the student’s College Credit Plus application.  Without an ACT score, you will need to take an eligibility test followed by a placement test.

The counseling department recommends taking the ACT by February to insure the student meets the deadline for all opportunities.

Note: one can be accepted by the university into the CCP program, but not be eligible to take a particular course. Some courses require minimum ACT subject scores or placement testing.


Where can students participate in College Credit Plus programs?

Students may take a CCP course on the campus of a university or online, and some courses are taught in-person at Lowellville High School. Students may take a combination of CCP and AP (Advanced Placement) courses during a school year. 


What is the difference between Advanced Placement & College Credit Plus?

Both options carry college credit at many IHEs and post-secondary institutions. To earn college credit for an Advanced Placement (AP) course, students must take a national AP exam in May and achieve a specific score in order to earn college credit. At most universities, a score of 3 or higher (out of 5 points) must be earned to receive college credit. However, this will vary from institution to institution. College Credit Plus is based on daily performance within the classroom setting. Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher to accrue college credit. For the purpose of graduating with Valedictorian/Salutatorian, and Honors diploma, CCP and Advanced and AP courses count equally.


How will the student/family communicate with the IHE?

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

College Credit Plus students are college students and subject to the FERPA. University faculty and staff will not talk to parents/guardians about FERPA protected information without a waiver on file. Students can complete a FERPA Release Form granting permission to release specific information to the parent by completing the form through the university portal.

Students will receive an email account attached to the specific IHE. It is IMPERATIVE that the student activates and frequently monitors that email.

Students are encouraged to use the counseling and advising services provided by the university upon acceptance.


What are the changes in student services for IEPs and 504s:

CCP courses, even if taught on the high school campus by a Lowellville High School teacher, are “post-secondary” classes that are extensions of a college. This changes how laws in support of students with educational disabilities are implemented (here)

There are different federal laws in place regarding students with disabilities and education. One set applies to students with disabilities in grades K-12. These laws include the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Free Appropriate Education (FAPE), and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504, Subpart D.

The laws that apply to students with disabilities in college include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504, Subpart E. This means that students must fully advocate for themselves, present their needs to the college’s Office of Disability Services for review, and self-identify as a student with specific, college-approved needs to the instructor. ONLY the letter of accommodation given by the college may be used to alter academic practice; any IEP, 504, or ETR documentation is NOT valid for the post-secondary environment.


Does College Credit Plus impact athletic eligibility? 

Student-athletes must remain eligible in accordance with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) bylaws. To be athletically eligible, students must be passing five, one-credit courses or the equivalent per grading period with the high school and college courses combined. Students are strongly encouraged to review the OHSAA Eligibility Guidelines for more information. 

Students taking courses on the campus of an IHE will be required to have their professor complete a CCP/Non-Enrolled Student Grade Report at the semester midterm of the respective university and return it to the school counseling office to determine eligibility.


Academic Expectation:

Students who are deemed to be “underperforming”  will be placed on CCP Probation. Students who are deemed “ineligible” shall be placed on CCP Dismissal.

Classes failed or withdrawn with an “F” will be reflected on the high school and college transcripts and computed into the GPA. The student (student’s family) will be required to reimburse Lowellville Schools for the full amount paid to the IHE on behalf of the student. 


Potential for Mature Subject Matter:

The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.” Students and parents will be required to sign a permission form acknowledging the student possesses the necessary social and emotional maturity to participate in the CCP program, and that the student is ready to accept the responsibility and independence that a college classroom demands.


What is the cost to the family?

Students may earn up to 30 credit hours per school year (summer term is included within the 30 credit hours per year) and/or up to 120 credit hours while in the program. Students who choose to apply and pursue courses (upon acceptance) through an Ohio public IHE may do so at no cost to the student for tuition and books (covered by Lowellville Schools). Students interested in pursuing more than 30 semester credits per academic year will be responsible for all costs for each credit above the 30 semester credit limit. 


How and will my college credits transfer?

Ohio Transfer 36 provides guaranteed transfer credit for a complete set or subset of general education requirements at an Ohio public college or university. The Ohio Transfer 36 consists of lower-level general education courses that are commonly completed during the first two years of full-time enrollment as a college student.

Ohio Transfer 36-approved courses are more likely to fulfill general education requirements at both your current and future institution than those that are not. You should consult with your academic advisor to ensure that the general education courses you take at your original institution are Ohio Transfer 36-approved.  Ohio Transfer 36 courses ensure timely progress toward your degree by guaranteeing successful completion of general education coursework throughout your transfer experience.  If a student is planning on transferring CCP credit to a private institution in Ohio or an institution outside of Ohio, it is advised that the student contact that institution to determine whether transfer credit will be accepted.

It is the responsibility of the student to determine which courses will transfer to intended future universities. A website called Transferology can be helpful in this process, and includes out of state and private universities. Researching transfer credits at the intended university or speaking with an admissions counselor are also excellent options.

It is important to note that even though a state school may accept the credit, the purpose of the credit accepted may vary between colleges. That would be a conversation to be had between the student and the college academic advisor.

CCP coursework is listed on the student’s transcript; however, colleges cannot accept that as evidence for college credit. Students wanting to use their college credits at another university must request official transcripts from the university that awarded the credit.

Courses taken through Ohio public IHEs are transferable to other Ohio public IHEs. It is the responsibility of the student to research what a credit will count for if transferring to another IHE after graduation. 


Steps for Students planning to apply:

1.   Attend the Annual Information Night (parents & students)

Lowellville will host a parent informational meeting each fall for students interested in taking a CCP course the following academic year.

2.  How to start the high school application/participation process:

  • Submit a Letter of Intent to Participate to the counseling office by April 1. We highly recommend submitting that form as soon as they are available. The student will have a counseling session , paperwork to complete, and documentation sent to the IHE by the counseling department which takes time to process and complete. The IHE will have application days and meetings well before that date. Timeliness will make the process easier and smoother for the student.

  • Summer courses may require early deadlines

3.  What to expect once the student submits a letter of intent to the school counseling office:

Each student who submits a letter of intent will receive a meeting with Mrs. Granitto or Mrs. Killingsworth, school counselors, once they have all paperwork from the IHEs to share with the students. Once all materials have been submitted to the IHE by the counseling department, the student should watch for a letter in the mail or in his or her email from the IHE and follow all directions given by the IHE for continuing participation.

4. The IHE application process:

CCP students are considered high school students and college students. In order to be acknowledged by the university as their student, the student will need to apply. Directions for applying will be included in the paperwork each student will receive during their meeting with a school counselor. Each university will have a different application process, so please follow those directions.  Read all correspondences carefully. Despite acceptance to the program, one may need higher subject scores or placement testing to take certain courses! Placement testing is available for eligible students through the university.

5. Once accepted by the university:

 Watch for a letter or email from the IHE after all paperwork is submitted. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the IHE, monitor email, and fulfill obligations (examples: testing, orientation). Again, make sure to activate the university email and check it regularly!


Important Items to Consider for CCP Participants


* Apply college credit to your high school graduation requirements, earning high school and college credit at the same time


* Earn up to 30 credits a year; 120 credits max

(an academic year shall begin with the summer term) 

* Students completing more than 30 semester hours will be responsible for all costs associated with credits beyond the 30 limit

* Transfer many of your credits to University System of Ohio schools (public institutions in Ohio)

*Consult individual IHEs to inquire for what purpose they will count the credits

*Consult rules for transfer credits at private universities and universities outside of Ohio if you plan to attend 

* May lower the overall cost of your college education

* May shorten the time to complete your college degree


* Tuition, books, and academic fees for Ohio public universities are paid by Lowellville School District

* All books should be returned to the high school counseling office upon completion of courses

* Participation will NOT affect a student’s eligibility at any Ohio public college for scholarships/benefits/or opportunities available to first year college students

* School supplies, parking permits, rec fees, library fines, parking fines, etc. are the student’s responsibility

* Be aware of the impact on financial aid

* Lowellville Schools will seek reimbursement and will withhold transcripts for failed courses, courses not successfully completed, or withdraw fail

* Students will be responsible for their own transportation


* Academic advisors on campus will guide you on course selection, availability, and how it applies to your major (Your high school counselor will help you choose courses that meet high school graduation requirements)


* Start/End dates, holiday, SPRING BREAK and snow days can be different; making one keep track of 2 schedules

* Course availability varies. There is no guarantee of enrollment in college courses during times that work well for your school activity or academic schedule.


* Expected to follow and be aware of all campus rules, and all dates regarding add/drop/withdrawal

* Activate and monitor university email communication and follow directions/requirements of university for participation

* Course content will NOT change because a minor is in the class 

* Parents must accompany students 14 and under while on campus

* Students may be placed on probation or dismissal from the program

* Lowellville schools will seek reimbursement for failed or withdrawn fail courses for the full amount paid on behalf of the student

* Communicate ANY schedule changes to the IHE and high school. Failure to do so could result in an F on the student’s transcript.



* End of Course exams are still required

* You are earning transcripted credit on your high school and college transcript. Transcripted grades may not follow one from university to university; however, the grades WILL be calculated together for graduate school

*  If one attends the university (after high school graduation) where college credit has been earned, the GPA will continue

* Not completing or failing a class will be calculated into the GPA, and may result in an inability to meet graduation requirements

* Students must meet graduation requirements.