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State Testing Requirements for Graduation

The state of Ohio's current graduation requirements are three-pronged.

1. Lowellville Graduation Requirements - Revised and BOE Approved March 15, 2023

2. Second - show competency on two end-of-course exams, Algebra and ELA2.  Students must earn a 684 to pass.  Students will be given more than one opportunity to test.  Students who do not earn a passing score on both exams must show competency instead by completing a 12-pt. industry credential and earn the Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal, OR join the military, OR earn college credit in a math or English college-level course through CCP, OR earn a remediation-free score on the ACT or SAT in the Math or English areas.   To demonstrate competency in English II, a student must be remediation-free in the areas of English and Reading on the ACT or SAT.

3. Earn 2 diploma seals.  There are 2 kinds of seals, state and local.  At least one seal must be a state seal.

State seals: Ohio Means Jobs Readiness seal, Industry Recognized Credential seal, College-Ready seal, Military Enlistment seal, Citizenship seal, Science seal, Honors Diploma seal, Seal of Biliteracy, and Technology seal

Local seals: Performing Arts seal, Community Service seal, and Student Engagement seal


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Requirements are also available in the Lowellville Course Catalog, available on the website.